Phone (775) 885-1700

Text (775) 241-8161


We value prayer. When you partner with us in prayer for the clients, volunteers, staff and leadership of Life Choices you are supporting us and this movement to save babies and see lives transformed by the power of God.

Please pray:

  • For divine appointments to take place at Life Choices each day
  • For the continued impact of our Medical Mobile Unit that is bringing life affirming services to areas like Minden, Gardnerville, Dayton and beyond
  • For the recruitment of new volunteers – both medical volunteers and client advocates

To join the LIFE CHOICES PrayerForce and receive client-specific requests from us, then please use the form below to sign up to receive those specific prayer requests.

Prayer List

Support Life Choices

We celebrate every time a baby is saved and every time a family is forever changed. Your support of Life Choices helps make this possible for hundreds of people and dozens of babies every year.